Ta Keo Temple, Angkor Thom – Cambodia

Located within the Angkor Thom complex in Siem Reap, Ta Keo Temple is the only structure in the complex that remains unfinished. Despite this, Ta Keo still boasts an impressive and sturdy architectural style, comparable to other temples in the “Land of Temples” that is Cambodia.

Overview of Ta Keo Temple

Ta Keo Temple was originally constructed as a shrine to the Hindu god Shiva, but it remains unfinished to this day. The temple’s construction began in 977 under King Jayavarman V. However, as the temple neared completion—with the stones arranged but not yet sculpted or carved—construction abruptly halted after the temple was struck by lightning. This event was considered a bad omen. Around the same time, internal conflicts over the throne erupted, and King Jayavarman V passed away. As a result, the construction of Ta Keo Temple was abandoned and left incomplete, a state it remains in to this day.

Ta Keo Temple

The temple was neglected and never consecrated for worship, as it was never completed. When the Khmer Empire eventually fell and Angkor Thom was abandoned, Ta Keo Temple faded into obscurity along with the rest of the complex. It wasn’t until the rediscovery of Angkor Thom and its subsequent restoration that Ta Keo Temple was also renovated and opened for tourism.

Read more: Wat Bo Pagoda – One of the Most Ancient Temples in Siem Reap

Standing at a height of 21.6 meters, Ta Keo is the tallest temple in the Angkor complex. The temple is situated within a plot of land measuring 122 meters in length and 106 meters in width, and it was once surrounded by a moat approximately 255 meters long, although this moat has since collapsed and been destroyed.

Ta Keo Temple

Due to its height, Ta Keo stands prominently and is easily spotted within the Angkor Thom complex. From a distance, the temple may appear intimidating, and its towering structure often gives visitors a sense of unease. The steep stairs and lack of binding materials between the stones can make visitors feel as if the temple could crumble or collapse at any moment.

Read more: Banteay Srei Temple in Angkor, Cambodia

Ta Keo Temple is unique in that it lacks the bas-reliefs and decorative carvings that adorn other temples in the Angkor complex. Despite this, it remains a prime example of the creativity and skill of ancient Khmer architects in constructing grand structures.

Ta Keo Temple

How to Get to Ta Keo Temple

Ta Keo Temple is located near the Victory Gate. If you enter from the Angkor Thom gate, you’ll first arrive at Bayon Temple. After passing through Bayon, you’ll reach the Terrace of the Leper King, the Terrace of the Elephants, and Baphuon. From there, continue past the Terrace of the Twelve Animals, and you’ll enter a dense forest. Keep to the right, and you’ll find the temple’s location.

Ta Keo Temple

Ta Keo Temple Information

  • Address: Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia
  • Hours: 07:00 AM – 05:30 PM
  • Location: East of the Victory Gate of Angkor Thom
  • Function: Monastery
  • Builder: King Jayavarman V


Today, Ta Keo Temple is a highly popular destination that attracts many tourists and is well-known worldwide. If you visit Cambodia, don’t miss the chance to explore the Angkor Thom complex and Ta Keo Temple to admire one of the magnificent structures of the ancient Khmer Empire!

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